Linda Feliciano2 min readHow Can We Change the World? Or, Is It Too Late?We all want to make this world a better place—for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for the generations to come. But many of us become...
Linda Feliciano4 min readPerdonando a Padres AbusivosEl abuso o negligencia infantil, en cualquier forma, es una herida profunda que puede impregnar cada área de nuestra vida como adultos....
Linda Feliciano6 min readComo Dejar de Ser el que Vive con MiedoEl miedo es una parte normal de ser un ser sensible. Todos los animales, incluyendo los humanos, sienten miedo. Es primordial. Es lo que...
Linda Feliciano4 min readAprendiendo a Amarte a Ti Mismo(a) - Una guía práctica para el amor propioA medida que se acercaba el Día de San Valentín de este año, comencé a pensar en el amor y, más específicamente, en cómo la idea del amor...
Linda Feliciano5 min readHow to Start Your Self-Love JourneyLearning to love yourself - a practical guide to self-love As Valentine's Day approached this year, I started thinking about love, and...
Linda Feliciano3 min readReceiving the New Year & Manifesting Your DreamsLet's face it. 2020 was a difficult year for most of us. Even in the best case scenario where you still have a job, did not get sick and...
Linda Feliciano7 min readHow to Stop Living in FearMany of us right now are using fear to keep us from doing the very thing it was designed to help us do. LIVE!